Thursday, November 1, 2007

ScratchBack - Take that Google

Just noticed a new startup, this one is pretty interesting, new and innovative. ScratchBack is a new version of the now banned, but apparently it is compatible with Google's policy on back linking since it uses javascript to offer "tips" when you hover over the link. It is an interesting and a UNIQUE idea, which definitely deserves some interest from VCs.

At this point I am very disappointed with Google's crack down on paid text links, since it turns our favourite search engine into a Police "Search" State that exercises its overwhelming power over a large chunk of internet users by telling them what they can and can not do on their sites. Why don't they penalize their own sites. As far as I can recall, anytime you type in anything related to Google in their search it always comes out first, no matter how new or unimportant it may be. So whom ever believes that Google does not favour its own sites is a blind and a deaf person. Wake up and smell the scent of your morning piss dude.

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